wp-1453319961148.jpegsimplistic answer is, of course, because coal combustion byproducts (CCBs) must be used rather than landfilled. Our planet can not support the space needed to landfill all, or even a significant part of, our wastes.
In order to learn to use CCBs more efficiently and effectively, research results must be disseminated in a way that makes them readilly available to everyone in the field – industries, academia, governments. Information leads to innovation in industry, but it also leads to questions and ideas that can be answered only with further research.
As forums for the gathering and dissemination of information, the International Ash Utilization Symposia of the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research and the International Symposia of the American Coal Ash Association have been held biennially for many years. In 2005, the World of Coal Ash Conference was convened as a combination of both of those symposia, plus meetings of a number of other organizations, such as the U. S. Office of Surface Mining and the U. S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. The success of the initial WOCA conference prompted additional conferences co-organized by both UK CAER and ACAA.

Tips for Bathroom and Toilet

Generally Bathroom and Toilet is the most neglected place in the house about which nobody cares. But these also need attention while deciding their place as they are the major source of negative energy in the home. Ideally Bathroom and Toilet should be constructed separate not attached. But due to space constraints nowadays these are constructed attached to each other. Keeping this in mind we have summarized below some tips about the vastu of Bathroom and Toilet for your dream home.
  • These may be built in the West, South, North-West or South-East directions.
  • Never locate an attached toilet South-East or South-West corner.
  • Toilet should be constructed about 1-2 feet higher than the ground level.
  • Inside Toilet, W.C. should be placed in West, South or North-West side of West but never be placed in the North-East side.
  • W.C. should be placed facing North or South direction.
  • Door of the toilet should be on East or North wall.
  • Shower and taps in bathroom can be fixed on Northern wall.
  • Mirror can be placed in the Northern or Eastern wall.
  • Washbasin should be placed in North-east side.
  • Geyser should ideally be placed in South-east corner.
  • Bathtub should be located in West portion.
  • Provide a small opening or ventilator in the toilet in East, West or North wall.
  • Prefer light colours for Bathroom and Toilet.
  • Avoid septic tank in South side of toilet


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20 ways to make your home energy efficient and environment friendly.

Nowadays we are listening a lot about energy conservation and environment protection as it will impact our future generation. Lots of studies are being conducted and several actions are being taken to make our surroundings environment friendly.  Simultaneously considering the limited available resources, electricity saving has become very much important in today’s scenario. Government and Institutions are giving stress in this subject. At home we can also contribute in making our world energy efficient and environment friendly by adopting or changing some simple and easy living habits.

1) Switch off the lights and fans of the room which you are not using.

2) Use energy star rated electrical appliances.

3) Use LED or CFL bulbs instead of traditional Bulbs or Tube lights. This will reduce you energy consumption for lighting purpose upto 75%.

4) Use solar energy inside and outside home. This will hugely  Reduce your electricity bill  and also make your home environment friendly.

5) Set the temperature of your refrigerator between 30 and 42°F. Use the power-saver switch if you have one. Don’t open the doors of the refrigerator too frequently.

6) While dusting your home dust the fridge also. Check the coils behind the refrigerator and use coil vacuums or dusters to clean it off and keep costs down.

7) Use microwaves and convection ovens for cooking or warm leftovers as they use less energy than cooking with a conventional oven.

8) While cooking keep the oven door closed as because each time you open the oven door the temperature drops by about 25 degrees.

9) Use copper bottomed utensils as they use heat more efficiently when cooking on the stove.

10) Turn off your oven or burners when food is almost ready and let existing heat finish the cooking for you.

11) If possible try to wash full loads of clothes. If smaller loads are necessary, use less water.

12) Avoid over-drying your clothes. It not only wastes energy, but also causes static and wrinkling.

13) Set your dishwashers on economy mode, to use less water and electricity.

14) Prefer to install a solar water heater to save energy and money by using solar energy.

15) Don’t let the doors and windows open when the AC is on. Also turn off kitchen and bath exhaust fans. It will curtail your electricity bills.

16) Don’t use screen saver during periods of inactivity of your computer. Instead that set your computer to sleep or hibernate mode as it uses less electricity.

17) If you are thinking to buy a computer, prefer buying a laptop instead as laptop uses less energy than desktop computers.

18) When the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use unplug them. Many chargers draw power continuously, even when the device is not plugged into the charger.

19) Use shades, blinds and drapes so that sunrays could not fall directly on the walls. Also plant trees and shrubs around the house. This will help you to keep you home cool.

20) Apply reflective coating on the roof. This will decrease the amount of heat coming into your home.